Thursday, April 30, 2009
My Doctor's Office Called ...
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Off to a Good Start
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Difficult Night after a Long Day.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Another Long Day Ahead of Me
Sunday, April 26, 2009
My new meds -- the saga continues!
- If I sit around home and do nothing -- and I mean do nothing -- I get maybe ten hours' relief
- If I do very little -- and by that I mean perhaps make a meal -- I get about seven or eight hours' relief
- If I do something a little more strenuous -- like go for groceries -- I get a whopping six hours' relief
- If I go into Ottawa for physio and a few errands -- I never go into Ottawa for JUST physio -- I'm lucky if I get four hours' relief
So, bottom line is, as far as I'm concerned -- the new meds are not working for me. Now, it could be a matter of a wrong dosage or it could be simply that this drug is not the right one for me. Whatever the reason, all I know is my hips are causing me a great deal of agony.
Yesterday my step-son and his lady friend came over for the day to help John clean up the front yard (lots of trees drop lots of leaves and if they aren't cleared in the fall, they have to be cleared in the spring). Fortunately, we had prepared dinner in the crock pot so that was a fairly simple production; dinner cooked while the boys worked and the girls visited. But before they arrived, I decided to make a surprise dessert; a gorgeous lemon cheese cake. That involved being on my feet for a longer period of time than I guess is good for me. My hips let me know it as the day progressed and I ended up wearing my TENs machine for the rest of the day. Dessert, by the way, was a huge success. I have everyone's permission to serve it again.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Computers -- aaarrrggghhhh!!!!!!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Sorry for being so irresponsible!
Such a disappointment!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Let's Play Ball!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Joe Carter, I'll be there!

My New Pain Meds
Yesterday, having taken the new med on my way to bed the night before, I woke feeling more rested and refreshed than I had in weeks. This was good! I had awakened twice during the night, which is the norm for me (I swear my bladder is the size of a thimble!) so I wasn't too concerned about that. But, no pain in my hips -- woo hoo!!!!!!
I went about my day quietly without stressing myself too much, just as my doctor had advised, because I have to give this new regimen three or four days to take effect. But I didn't take the morning dose because I don't see any reason to take more drug than is necessary to achieve pain relief. My reasoning is, if I'm getting the desired result at a given dose, why take more than that? I understand the need for taking medication as prescribed, but until I know what frequency I need, I am reluctant to put any more drug into my body than is necessary. I am more than a little paranoid about developing an addiction. My doctor is aware that I do this with certain of my prescriptions, and he trusts me to make adjustments as required, as long as I communicate the changes to him (his office receives regular faxes from me).
I was delighted with the fact that my hips remained pain free throughout the day. This was beyond good! It was approaching the 23-hour mark (almost my bedtime) before my hips started indicating that they needed more pain relief. I took one of the new pain meds on my way to bed last night.
Fast forward to this morning. As is usual for me, I had awakened a couple of times during the night; but again I awoke this morning feeling rested and refreshed, ready to face the day. The difference today was, by the time I had been up and about for half an hour, my hip was clearly in need of pain relief. It had been almost 12 hours since I had taken the last dose. I have no interest in being a martyr about this; nor do I plan to be stupid and not give this new regimen a fair trial. So, today, I am taking the new pain meds as prescribed. And I will continue to do so unless I start experiencing undesired side effects.
Here's hoping the new meds will work as they are supposed to without rendering me nonfunctional.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
This one's for you JOHN
Friday, April 17, 2009
I made it!
- I had a physiotherapy session, which is always beneficial.
- I'm back to beautiful cuz I got my hair cut.
- I saw my daughter and grandson (and managed to elicit some extra hugs from him).
- I had a wonderfully enjoyable dinner and visit with my good friend last night. And as a bonus, her daughter (whom I call "my other daughter") happened to telephone from Maui so I got to talk to her briefly too.
- OK, so I slept lousy -- my hips were beyond sore and for some reason the leg cramps came back with a vengeance during the night.
- I had a ninety-minute breakfast visit with my favourite sister this morning.
- I only had to wait 45-minutes for my 9:30am appointment with my doctor. We sat and chatted for easily a full 30 minutes. We're going to try a new approach for my hip pain, so I sure hope it works (damn, maybe we should have filled that prescription for my husband the other day!). Oh, and my lungs are working just fine, according to the lung function test they were finally able to perform. It's always good to establish that your asthma meds are working as they should.
- I stopped in about one issue with my hearing aids (yes, folks, I'm hearing impaired too!) and found out that one of the units had a totally different issue and had to be sent in for repair. That's not such a good thing in terms of my being without it in the interim, but I had no idea it was broken!
- I had no difficulty filling in the time while I waited for the pick-up call following my friend's day surgery. When I arrived to get her, she was almost wider awake than I. You would hardly have known that she had been under anaesthetic. The wonders of some people!
Now I'm home after two very long days, and as soon as my husband is ready (yes, it seems I'm always waiting for him, not the other way around) we are going into town to have pizza for dinner. Since I have to go in to have my new prescription filled, I figure we may as well make use of the trip. Besides, I'm on a roll. Having had dinner in a restaurant last night and breakfast in a restaurant this morning, why stop now? I will, however, be taking that very welcome massage bath as I head to bed this evening.
Til next time,